CASE: Innogas, Finland (2009)

The challenge of handling 16 different cylinder types


Our solution

The outcome

Scope of supply

In 2007 Innogas approached Siraga (today known as MAKEEN Energy) to discuss a project to completely upgrade their filling plant at Porvoo, near Helsinki. A project that eventually turned into a replacement of the existing filling plant installed by another supplier in the beginning of the 1990s. The contract was signed in 2008 and the equipment installation began in January 2009. The plant has been running at its full capacity since February 2009.

A unique solution to meet a unique requirement

The Porvoo plant processes 16 different cylinder types on an everyday basis equipped with different valve types including clip-on, FLT and various hand wheel types, and cylinders made from composite, aluminium, steel or stainless steel.

To process such a diverse cylinder park Siraga decided on two separate filling lines. The main line boasts a 24 post filling carrousel fitted with dual head filling heads for top entry and side entry valves for small and medium sized domestic cylinders. The system features automatic valve opening and closing. The second filling line is dedicated to filling large cylinders on four in-line filling scales.

Both lines are fully equipped with safety functions such as weight-checking and leak detection of all cylinders.

The philosophy behind the project

The entire philosophy of this project can be summarised in five statements.

  • Independence - Each machine and each filling line operate independently in order to avoid critical and costly production stops during the peak season.
  • Flexibility - The cylinders may be filled on the carrousel and/or on the in-line scales. Both lines are easily adapted to a change of production in less than five minutes.
  • Modularity - The plant layout of the required processes considers both the present needs as well as future expansion plans.
  • User-friendliness - The operators at the plant and the local health & safety authorities validated and approved the safety and user-friendliness built into Siraga's solution. This includes machine cycle modifications, extra functions and on-going consultancy.
  • Expertise - Innogas' own measurements prove that Siraga's technical solution yields an outstanding filling accuracy of 98.8% to 100% of all cylinders being correctly filled.

See more cases from MAKEEN Energy