MAKEEN Energy Commitments
We know that our activities affect the areas where we do business, and we acknowledge our responsibility towards both people and planet. That is why we are fully committed to working for positive and sustainable change both within and outside our organisation.
MAKEEN Energy operates across the world in many different political, cultural and environmental settings. That requires a lot of adaptability and flexibility from us. However, some things don't change, no matter where we operate - our commitments to ourselves, our customers and the planet. Below you'll find more information on how we're committing ourselves and where - hopefully all this information serves to show that our key reason to go to work every day is to provide responsible energy solutions to people and planet.
Our sustainability efforts

United Nations Global Compact
As a participant in the UN Global Compact, we are committed to work for positive and sustainable change within human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. With its scope and reach, the UN Global Compact is regarded as the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.

Sustainable Oceans Principle
As one of the first companies in the world, MAKEEN Energy signed the Sustainable Ocean Principles in October 2019. This United Nations initiative recognises the urgency and global importance of a healthy ocean – and as a participant, we will take part in making a positive difference.

Sustainable Development Goals
In 2019, MAKEEN Energy started working with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – also known as the SDGs and the Global Goals. It is our purpose to deliver responsible energy solutions for people and planet, and as a global organisation we know that we have the potential to make a positive difference.
Our commitments

World Cleanup Day
We strive to give back to our local communities, therefore, we participate in the annual World Cleanup Day.

CO2 neutral website
Surfing on the internet emits more CO2 than one might think, which is why we have committed to keeping our website CO2 neutral.

The Danish Hospital Clowns
The Danish Hospital Clowns (Danske Hospitals Klovne) do a very important and amazing job, which we are more than happy to support.
MAKEEN Energy business commitments

MAKEEN Energy Policies
MAKEEN Energy is a global, market-leading house of energy that unites several business areas under one roof and one common purpose: responsible energy solutions for people and planet. Aside from the purpose, all the entities, subsidiaries and work sites we own or operate around the world share a common set of policies. These are known as the MAKEEN Energy policies.

Working with safety
As a company that develops, manufactures, and operates equipment that in many cases is located in hazardous zones or uses hazardous materials, we can and will not compromise when it comes to safety. And that extends to our own internal working procedures as well.

MAKEEN Energy's Code of Conduct
MAKEEN Energy is a market-leading corporation in the energy industry with employees and activities all around the world. Our Code of Conduct applies to all employees in our subsidiaries and others who act on MAKEEN Energy’s behalf – no matter their job function, location or seniority.

Whistleblower platform
With the Speak Up service (a whistleblower arrangement), we encourage all employees at MAKEEN Energy to come forward if they know of or suspect any actions that violate the law, our code of conduct or the organisational policies.