New contract with BB Bioenergi for LBG plant

MAKEEN Energy and BB Bioenergi have reached an agreement that will result in the construction of a biogas liquefaction facility in North Denmark. The facility will be added to BB Bioenergi’s existing biogas plant to convert the biogas to liquid form which will help the industry and transport sectors’ reach their sustainability targets.  

MAKEEN Energy will cooperate with BB Bioenergi to produce liquefied biogas for transport and industry. By integrating MAKEEN Energy’s technology for liquefaction of biogas into their biogas plant in North Denmark, BB Bioenergi will offer an easily transportable and CO2-reducing alternative to diesel and other fossil fuels to its customers.

BB Bioenergi’s ambition is to create the biogas plant of the future in which the liquefaction process is partly powered by energy that the plant itself generates from waste materials from the production of biogas by putting it through a pyrolysis facility on-site. Aside from the liquefaction of biogas, BB Bioenergi also aims to collect and liquefy the CO2 from the biogas plant. The goal is to create a visionary biogas plant that can show the way forward for biogas production in Denmark.

The right partner for the project

Daniel Overgaard Pedersen, CEO of BB Bioenergi, looks positively on the new collaboration: ”We wanted a local partner and not just a supplier – someone with expertise within the field who understands our needs and can assist us in both current and future challenges in our sector. I am happy to have found that in MAKEEN Energy, and I really look forward to working together.

Frej Olsen, Head of CRYO at MAKEEN Energy, is equally pleased that the agreement has been signed: "From the first time BB Bioenergi explained their vision, we felt that this was a project that just made sense. The fact that they chose our technology for their new plant makes us very proud, and it shows how valuable solutions of this kind are in accommodating the energy demands of the future.

An important element in the project is MAKEEN Energy’s self-developed technology for liquefaction of biogas that is scalable according to the demand. This makes it easier for BB Bioenergi to expand their production of liquefied biogas along the way, should they have the need.

There is a growing need for liquefied gas in both transport and industry, inside as well as outside of Denmark’s borders, as both sectors are under pressure to reduce their emissions of CO2 and other polluting particles.

The demand for liquefied gas is rising, and we are ready to meet it. This plant will play an important role in this effort

Frej Olsen Head of MAKEEN Cryo, MAKEEN Energy

Rising demand for alternative fuels

When the plant in North Denmark is ready, it will produce up to 60 tonnes of liquefied biogas daily. Initially, BB Bioenergi expects to offload most of the liquid fuel south of Denmark’s borders. But according to Daniel Overgaard Pedersen, it is only a matter of time before they find a local market as well:

Both industry and truck owners here in Denmark have begun to see the need transitioning to cleaner fuels than the traditional fossil fuels. Gas is a brilliant alternative that requires minimal investment for a big difference in emissions, air quality and noise. So we are confident that the demand will arise in Denmark soon.

The new liquefaction plant will be ready in the 2nd half of 2024. The initiation of the project is currently awaiting approval from local authorities.


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