Case: The port of Esbjerg & COWI, Denmark (2018)

Examining LNG possibilities and potential for the port of Esbjerg


The customer's challenge

Our solution

The outcome

“In particular, their [MAKEEN Energy's, ed.] deep knowledge of the technical conditions surrounding LNG bunkering of ships has given us a strong foundation for the work. Our cooperation has made us capable of delivering a report to the port of Esbjerg, which they have been very satisfied with.”

Ole Kveiborg, Chief Project Manager, COWI.

Results that reach across borders

The conclusions in the business case were based on the specific location and situation at the port of Esbjerg. That was the framework set out by the European Union. However, many of the analyses and results in the report have the potential to reach much further.

With minor adjustments, it is possible to use the business case from Esbjerg as a starting point for implementing LNG bunkering solutions at other ports too – in Denmark or elsewhere in. In that way, the business case can be helpful when ports, no matter their location, want to prepare themselves for new and stricter emissions regulations and further sustainability.


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