CASE: Molisana Gas, Italy (2014)

From mechanical to electronic filling


Our solution

The outcome

Scope of supply

Sometimes the best solution for an upgrade is to integrate old and new equipment. For Molisana Gas in Italy, such a solution led to a 30% production increase.

With an old mechanical LPG filling plant that did not fill accurately and required a lot of maintenance, Molisana Gas wanted to bring their plant up to standards. Based on a thorough preliminary analysis that involved an assessment of both the existing equipment and the needs of the customer, our recommendation was a partial plant upgrade.

Further investments postponed

Our estimate was that the plant's chain conveyor system would be able to function satisfactorily for another 10 years. With that in mind, our solution to Molisana Gas' challenges was to integrate a new electronic LPG filling carrousel and a check scale with the existing chain conveyor system. The fact that it allowed them to postpone further investments made this solution very valuable to Molisana Gas.

Up and running in one week

The smooth execution of the project meant that the new filling plant was up and running in just one week. And in addition to the savings on gas that typically come from upgrading from mechanical to more accurate electronic filling equipment, the partial plant upgrade gave Molisana Gas a production increase of 30%.

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