UN commitment and sustainability journey continue

There's a first time for everything – and sometimes, there's a second too. On 29 January 2020, we submitted our second annual status report to Global Compact, a United Nations’ initiative, to tell how far we have come on our sustainability journey.

The UN Global Compact is an initiative that companies, like us, sign to strengthen sustainability within 4 main topics: human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. MAKEEN Energy committed to supporting the UN Global Compact in January 2018, and every year we must hand in a status report – officially known as a Communication on Progress – give an insight into our results and plans.

Cover of MAKEEN Energys Communication on Progress brochure for UN Global Compact 2020

Where has our sustainability journey taken us now?

In the report we just handed in, we highlight some of the sustainable initiatives we have welcomed over the last 12 months. A global satisfaction survey, a code of conduct for suppliers and thirds parties and a commitment to the UN Sustainable Ocean Principles – to mention just a few examples.

In addition to this, we also consider our sustainable goals – those we set up last year and those we have drawn up for the next year. We know that no one is perfect, and neither are we, so we can always improve.

If you are curious to learn more, visit our media section to browse through the Global Compact report, Responsible energy solutions on a sustainability journey.

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