Case: The Samsoe ferry, Denmark (2019)

Annual service visits keep up bunkering performance

The customer’s challenge

Our solution

The outcome

The Samsoe ferry runs on LNG and has been doing so since 2015

Just like all other types of mechanics, the bunkering solution needs regular service and maintenance to ensure a high performance. And with a 5-year service agreement from MAKEEN Energy's division for liquefied natural gas (LNG) solutions, the shipowner can leave the worries behind.

MAKEEN Energy delivered the turnkey bunkering solution that makes it easy and fast to refuel the Samsoe ferry with the cold, liquid gas. Naturally, the shipowner wants the bunkering operations to continue running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, they placed a 5-year service contract with MAKEEN Energy.

All-round service agreement for LNG bunkering

With the service agreement, the shipowner ensures that their bunkering solution gets the service and maintenance it needs. And that is a vital foundation to keep the ferry running.

The agreement includes 6 service visits annually. Every time, the service technicians from MAKEEN Energy perform a wide range of checks and tests of the bunkering solution, and, among other things, they:

Bunkering equipment in cargo container
  • Inspect the bunkering installation and the area around it
  • Perform a function control of all components
  • Clean and lubricate couplings
  • Carry out minor repairs
  • Report irregularities


After each visit, the service technicians fill out a logbook to document and keep track of everything they have observed and corrected.

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