Case: JETGAZ Ltd., Cyprus (2016)

Good business relations emerge from trust


Our solution

The outcome

Scope of supply

Business isn't just facts and numbers - it's interpersonal relations too!

Making a customer feel secure in his decision making process when it comes to investing a considerable sum of money should not be underestimated. Therefore, establishing a good connection with the customer on a personal level and living up to our mantra "wherever you are, we are" meant visiting the customer on several occasions reassuring him that we are never far away. Also, in terms of providing service in the customer's region, our sales team were able to calm his nerves. Since all other fillers in Cyprus have Kosan Crisplant (today known as MAKEEN Energy) equipment, the service technicians are continuously circling the area if problems should occur.

Similar cultural backgrounds and instinctive chemistry may also help build trust and security. We were able to send an Italian sales representative who not only had a technical background, but also the necessary cultural understanding, which ultimately played a big role in the decision making process for Jetgaz. This personal relation between the sales representative and the supervisor on the one side and the customer on the other gave way for a prosperous business relation that keeps on expanding with more equipment and spare parts.

Accurate filling shows on the bottom line

In the LPG business, having accurate filling and checking equipment is paramount. Jetgaz's old mechanical filling machines made it difficult to control and adjust the amount of gas going into the cylinders. This posed potential threats in the case of overfilling cylinders. Now that Jetgaz has electronic equipment, the customer can more easily switch between accurately filling the two cylinder sizes he needs for his business, 10 and 15 kg. In addition to that, by adding a check scale to his plant, the customer will be able to save countless man hours manually checking the cylinders. Finally, the new data collection system allows him to monitor his plant, detect errors and keep track of his production. This in turn has brought clarity and transparency to Jetgaz.

Tight deadline? No problem!

In order to exploit the low season and avoid precious downtime, it was required that the equipment would be installed in July - as most of the LPG in Cyprus is used for heating. So even though we faced a tight deadline, in co-operation with the Jetgaz technical team, we managed to get the job done before the beginning of the busy season.

See more cases from MAKEEN Energy