Liquefied biogas

MAKEEN Energy will enable a local supply of CO2-neutral fuel for the heavy transport sector.

Liquefied biogas on a new plant in Denmark

MAKEEN Energy will enable a local supply of CO2-neutral fuel for the heavy transport sector. In collaboration with biogas supplier Nature Energy, MAKEEN Energy is proud to announce the signing of a contract to build and operate the first Danish biogas liquefaction plant in Frederikshavn, Denmark. Construction of the plant is expected to commence in late 2021 and the plant is expected to be operational in mid-2023.

A decisive moment in the green transition of the transport sector in Denmark

The deal is the result of several years of hard work by both Nature Energy and MAKEEN Energy, which have come together to form the joint-company NORDLIQ (Nordic Liquefaction) with the aim to build and operate the first Danish LBG plant.

Building on MAKEEN Energy’s 70-years of global expertise in handling gas, the plant will initially be able to produce 20.000 tonnes of LBG every year. The completely CO2-neutral fuel is already in heavy demand by the shipping industry, but has until now not been produced in Denmark, meaning that current supply is unreliable and transportation times and costs high.

The NORDLIQ-plant in Frederikshavn will change this, enabling shipping and transportation companies to supply vessels with completely CO2-neutral fuel – a decisive milestone in the sustainable transformation of the transport and shipping sector in Denmark and Northern Europe, which up until now has relied heavily on fossil fuels.

Liquefied biogas is a cornerstone green fuel of the future. We’re very proud to lead this project in collaboration with Nature Energy, and happy to be able to offer a responsible and effective solution for the transformation of the transport sector at this important time.

Bo Larsen, CCO, MAKEEN Energy
  • Quick facts

    A large portion of the cost of liquefied green gases like LNG and LBG goes towards transporting the gas from the place of production to the consumer. The gas is often sailed halfway across the globe to large terminals, from where it is distributed by truck or pipeline – also over large distances. Local production of LNG and LBG shortens the supply chain dramatically and makes it possible to lower the price.

  • If natural gas comes from manure, food waste or other organic matter, it is biogas. LBG is virtually identical to liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is why it also turns into a liquid at -162°C (-259°F) and holds the same qualities of being compact and burning cleanly.

  • LBG is an even more sustainable fuel than LNG, since we do not need to extract fossil resources to create it.

MAKEEN Energy already operates several LNG/LBG bunkering solutions, including a solution for the Samsoe Ferry, located in Hou and a coming refueling station for trucks in Padborg. The Samsoe Ferry expects to transition from LNG to LBG when the plant in Frederikshavn is operational. And as biogas and natural gas are virtually chemically identical, the new plant in Frederikshavn will also be able to produce LNG, enabling the plant to cater completely to the needs of the customers.

Between 60.000 and 100.000 ships pass Frederikshavn Harbour every year, and one of the central buyers of the liquified gas will be Bunker One, who in collaboration with NORDLIQ will handle sales and marketing to the shipping industry.

Peter Zachariassen, CEO in Bunker One, states:

”We're extremely proud to get the possibility to offer the maritime sector a danish-produced product that we see a rapidly growing demand for - a demand that has never been higher.”

MAKEEN Energy is proud to offer yet another responsible energy solution

The liquefaction process is one of MAKEEN Energy’s core competencies. By cooling natural or biogas to -162 degrees, the gas condenses 600 times and becomes liquefied, making the gas practical to handle and economically profitable as a bunkering solution for ships or as fuel for trucks.

MAKEEN Energy is proud to implement its zero-emission standard on the Frederikshavn plant. The standard, a core principle applied to all natural and biogas solutions that the company offers, ensures a complete prevention of harmful methane leaks. Preventing methane leaks has been highlighted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a fast, efficient, and crucial way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and MAKEEN Energy is proud to offer a product which is responsibly aligned with the future.

LBG is gaining ground rapidly around the world as a fuel of the future and is already in steady use in countries like Sweden, Norway, and Germany. The NORDLIQ plant will enable Denmark to join this trend, and the strategic placement of the plant in Frederikshavn will enable a reliable supply of liquefied gas to Scandinavia and northern Germany.

The plant will be connected directly to the Danish gas grid, which is projected by the Danish Climate Ministry to consist entirely of biogas by 2040. An option of expanding the initially planned production capacity of 20.000 tonnes/year is part of the project - the plant will be able to scale up and produce up to 120.000 tonnes of liquefied gas every year at a later stage.

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